New Jersey

State Professional Develoment

New Jersey liberty and prosperity logo.

Idioma Education & Consulting, LLC partners with state programs to support world language teachers with professional development opportunities. New Jersey teachers may select the Idioma courses and earn a Professional Development Hour Certificate. Please request pre-approval from your school district prior to registering for any course.

The New Jersey Department of Education does not have a list of criteria or requirements and does not maintain a list of vendors nor does it register, approve, certify, contract with, or promote professional development providers or speakers. It is the responsibility of individual school districts to review the credentials of the providers and their programs and make their own determinations of suitability for members of their staff or their students.

Looking to become a language teacher in New Jersey, but don't know where to begin? Idioma Education & Consulting offers an Alternate Route CE program for aspiring world language teachers in New Jersey. For more information please email