New Jersey Alternate Route Licensure Program

Have you thought of becoming a world language teacher but don't know where to begin?

The Idioma Hours-Based Certificate of Eligibility Program for aspiring teachers is designed for you!

Scroll down to read more about the program and fill out the form below if you would like to us to reach out to you to schedule a call to answer your questions or discuss program details.

Colorful tile pathway describing each step in the alternate route to licensure process through Idioma.

What are the steps to earning the New Jersey Standard Certificate?

  • Candidate must apply for the New Jersey Certificate of Eligibility (CE) or Limited CE.

    Limited CE candidates may waive one of the requirements listed above provided they are teaching in a School district approved to participate in the pilot program.

  • This course must be completed before you can legally teach independently in your classroom. If you do not yet have your CE, you may enroll in the 50-hour Pre-Professional Course, however, you cannot move on to step 3 or 4 until you have completed the 50-Hour Pre-Professional course and obtained your CE.

    Register for the 50-Hour Pre-Professional Course

  • Once you have your CE or Limited CE from the New Jersey Department of Education, you can look for a teaching position. You must be employed as the lead teacher in a classroom in order to begin the Idioma CE Program.

  • Complete the application for the Idioma CE Hours-based Alternate Route World Language Program.  Please allow 1-2 weeks for us to review your application.

    Idioma CE Program Application

  • Meet with your Idioma advisor to register for courses and begin your program.

    There are 8 required online courses:

    1. Assessing Students in the World Languages Classroom

    2. Cultural Integration in the World Language Classroom

    3. Differentiation in the Language Classroom

    4. Instructional Strategies to Meet the Needs of All Learners in the Language Classroom

    5. Leading the Charge: Designing and Sustaining Standards-based World Language Programs

    6. Social and Emotional Learning in the World Language Classroom

    7. Teaching World Languages Through the Lens of Social Justice

    8. The 5 C's and the 3 Communication Modes of Language Learning: Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy for 21st Century Learners*

    *This courses may also be taken for 3 graduate credits to meet the Second Language Acquisition course requirement. There is an $400 fee for the Colorado State University Pueblo graduate credits.

How much does Idioma’s CE Program cost?


Pay in Full

One payment of $5,220

Pay by Year

Two payments:
Year 1: $2,860
Year 2: $2,360

Pay by Course

$590 per course, total of 8 courses plus $500 technology fee

An additional $400 Colorado State University Pueblo Graduate-Course Credit fee will be collected for all students who need to meet the Second Language Acquisition Requirement through “The 5 C's and the 3 Communication Modes of Language Learning: Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy for 21st Century Learners” course.

Throughout the Idioma CE program, you will work with the support of two experienced educators: a world language building mentor chosen by you who is a part of your district, and a World Language Instructional Coach trained by Idioma Education & Consulting.

You, your world language building mentor, and Idioma Instructional Coach will work together and you will be provided with the following support throughout the program:

  • One-on-one virtual meeting twice a year with an Idioma Instructional Coach

  • Email/phone call/virtual meetings with your Idioma Instructional Coach at least once a month in small group or individually

  • Classroom observations and feedback by the mentor and the Idioma Instructional Coach

  • Engage with other candidates and instructors through coursework and discussions

Idioma is approved to issue the CE in the following languages:

Table containing endorsement codes and languages approved for Idioma CE program including Spanish, French, German, Italian, etc.

Questions? Please email or call 978-494-6430. Se habla español.

Click here to read about the program on our blog!

Idioma Education & Consulting, LLC is a New Jersey Department of Education-approved Certificate of Eligibility (CE) and Limited CE program.

Local New Jersey Address: C/O Innes Communication 190 B BLVD, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604