American Association of Teachers of German

Language Association Partnership

The logo for the American Association of Teachers of German.

The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) promotes the study of the German-speaking world in all its linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity, and endeavors to prepare students as transnational, transcultural learners and active, multilingual participants in a globalized world.

Through our partnership with AATG, members can enjoy the following benefits: 

  • Discounts* on Graduate-level courses through Idioma Education & Consulting, LLC

  • $500 Scholarships towards Idioma courses through CSU Pueblo’s Master of Education with World Language Emphasis to AATG members

  • One $500 Teacher Travel Subsidy to attend the ACTFL Conference

  • Monthly Idioma Star Newsletter

German courses eligible for the AATG member discount in partnership with Goethe-Institut USA can be found here

Not yet an AATG member or looking to renew your membership? Register here.

*To take advantage of the discount on new registrations, you must be a current member of AATG. AATG will periodically share a discount code via newsletter and social media to use at checkout for course registration with Idioma. When using the discount code, email proof of your active AATG membership (email confirmation from AATG, current membership number, picture of membership card) to Discount cannot be applied to previous course registrations or SEI courses. Discount applicable for German and Methodology & Pedagogy courses only.