Idioma Education Celebrates Italian Language and Culture at Fundraising Event

On May 2, 2024 the team from Idioma Education & Consulting, including Mellissia Walles, Elisa Kirschhoffer, and Joseph Marquette, gathered at Real Italian Gusto in Medford, MA to celebrate a significant milestone for C.A.S.It. (Centro Attività Scolastiche Italiane): 25 years of dedicated service in promoting Italian language and culture. This special event, held in collaboration with the Italian Consulate of Boston, showcased the vibrant cultural heritage of Italy, including live opera performed by a local tenor and highlighted the educational initiatives that have been pivotal in spreading Italian culture across the region.

The event was sponsored by C.A.S.It., a key organization whose mission is to foster and expand Italian language studies in both public and private schools throughout the jurisdiction of the Italian Consulate in Boston. C.A.S.It. plays a crucial role by facilitating the awarding of grants that help establish and enhance Italian language and culture programs. These grants vary in amount, reflecting the diverse needs and scales of the projects they support.

The celebration served as an opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments and to look forward to new initiatives that will continue to promote the Italian language and culture. Presenters at the event shared insights into the growth of Italian studies in the area and the impact of cultural exchange programs that have enriched the local communities. Recipients of the awards, Portsmouth High School teachers Joseph Marquette, Kristen Artinano, and Marissa Bognanno were also honored guests and attended with administrative guests, Shelagh St. Laurent and Steve Chinosi.

The support from C.A.S.It. has been instrumental in these achievements. By providing initial grants, C.A.S.It. ensures that schools interested in introducing or expanding Italian programs have the necessary resources to do so. These efforts not only help in nurturing a greater understanding and appreciation of Italian culture but training and supporting Italian Language Teachers.

This anniversary event was more than a celebration; it was a pledge to continue enriching lives through language and culture for many years to come. For those inspired by Italian culture or interested in learning more about Italian language programs, Idioma Education & Consulting and their partners provide invaluable resources and support to make this possible.


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